Scott Friedman, principal, Nine Mile Falls Elementary
Tech tools to facilitate culture of continuous improvement and access outside of school
Remember that people in schools are at all levels of ability when it comes to technology
Google docs and apps
Use forms to collect information from learning teams, students, trainings, etc
-- -- online post it notes--
visual way to show things to staff--used it to help create school goals, can drag and group things together, looking and combining themes
Google reader, login and subscribe to different blogs, etc. connected principal website
evernote--a digital file cabinet that allows you to tag and file for later,
instapaper --allow you to catalog and archive things to check back on later
both sync to mobile devices
What is your statement for your beliefs on professional development? Can you articulate it
Edmodo /
facebook like. can use to post response to book club for staff, etc.
can set up for your classroom as well,
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