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ITSC 2012: New Kinds of Tools for New Kinds of Learners: Assess This

Hall Davidson
Senior Director
Global Learning Initiatives
http://linkyy.com/Hall Davidson/Handouts

Looking at technologies, that we already have, that we can use better to do assessment
Need to include mobile devices when thinking about Web 2.0

A student actually benefits from the assessment--A bold concept

Tools to assess understanding
Platform based:
Web 2.0:

First: Determine what to assess:
What are they supposed to have learned
What was the instructional objective]
Next: Find an assessment project--
How would the student own the learning?
What story should be told

 Powerpoint presentation, save as jpeg, then turn it into a movie so that the student can narrate. Gives an assessment of student understanding of concept.  Photo story for windows, i movie

Data Visualization
Diana Laufenberg

How to unlock the information: to give the student background knowledge (consumptive level)

Interactive consumption: not creating anything but get to play around with the data
new york times have to search interactive and click on multimedia ( they are embedded in articles)
example: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/02/13/us/politics/2013-budget-proposal-graphic.html?scp=2&sq=interactive%20&st=cse

Gapminder: http://www.gapminder.org

Immigration explorer:  

iswifter app allows flash to play on ipad.

A good example of data visualization with statistics:
Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 years, 4 minutes-Joy of stats-BBC Four

Diana says that it helps to be globally wholistic and aware about what everyone is teaching, it is not lock step, conversations are not just about content, but often about resources

They maintain a moodle
the have walk throughs of each other

Visualization of the periodic table:  http://www.visual-literacy.org/periodic_table/periodic_table.html

Creation tools
Lucid chart: www.lucidchart.com
This is a good creation tool for
email them and request an education account for you and students

taking a break...be back soon